Apri 7th - "Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation" and "Hours" (Funeral For A Friend)
Me and my friend have this tradition of making playlists for each other every few years and adding to them as we see fit. This last time, she put Roses for the Dead on mine, and it completely blew my mind, not even just as a song but in that people really aren't making classic emo music anymore.
Today's post-hardcore sounds very different from that of the early 2000s. People will label a lot of bands from that time as emo, but speaking specifically about the genre "post-hardcore," it hasn't come back the way scene and screamo/skramz has. At some point subgenre's get a little jumbled in my head, but it was both refreshing and also nostalgic to hear something "new" that sounds like what might be my favorite genre. I was pretty late to the emo scene all things considered, both due to age and upbringing, so I didn't have a natural path to follow band to band, as most of them had disbanded and Warped Tour really wasn't relevant past 2014. Funeral For A Friend has really stuck with me, and I'm really excited to listen to the rest of their albums.
Though Roses for the Dead (off of Hours) is my favorite song, I'd have to say that Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation is the album I enjoy more as a whole. I'm very picky about listening to slower songs, but every slow hit off of this album hit in a way that made me feel like I had to yell at the sky in the rain. Hours unfortunately, while still excellent, did not inspire that feeling as strongly. Both albums get a 4/5 from me though, I'm gonna be listening to them for the next week.