
Accessibility and Travelling

April 20, 2024

I had a thought about writing a blog post on accessibility on neocities a couple days ago, and have since forgotten it, so let's talk about it in general instead! At the potential risk of doxxing myself, for context: I live in the U.S. in a densely populated area of California. I am physically disabled; I probably need arm crutches, but at this point in life use a cane. I am going to Las Vegas next weekend. I was in Vegas two years ago in October. Despite my general dislike for Vegas crowds and atmosphere, they were so much nicer to me than anything I've experienced here at home.

I know in general, more populated areas tend to have a "it's not my business" attitude towards most things. See something weird in public? Who gives a shit. Unfortunately that also extends to provide some minor support to those who need it. People on public transport rarely offer a seat to me. However, as crowded as Las Vegas can be, almost everywhere I was asked if I needed anything extra, and to let anyone know if I needed help with getting around. I'm not sure if it was just the places I went, but I suppose I will see this upcoming weekend.

I don't have any huge conclusion to draw from this, just that it's interesting and unexpected to me. Often I assume I will have to advocate for myself every time, as many places have poor resources or what resources there are are not clearly marked or identified. I have been to multiple concerts where the people managing the line had no idea what to do when I told them I had purchased a ticket for accessible seating and could not wait in the general admission line. This is standard. That's fucked! It's not their fault individually of course, but the fact no one is trained or told how to put up a sign or where to direct those with accessible seating is wild.

Now, Vegas is only a long drive away, but I've also been on multiple flights with my cane and they just love to take it away from me during security checks. I'm lucky enough that I can walk some without it, but could you imagine if I couldn't? Every metal detector hates me, and there are little to no alternatives, at least not that I've seen.